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BactFast by Credence Genomics

BactFast by Credence Genomics adalah satu tes tunggal yang memungkinkan identifikasi seluruh populasi bakteri yang diketahui sekaligus, termasuk spesies yang tidak dapat dibiakkan. Tes diagnostik yang biasanya membutuhkan waktu hingga 7 hari untuk diproses kini selesai dalam waktu 48 jam. BactFast menggantikan seluruh kohort metode uji mikroba dan biokimia konvensional beserta semua kekurangannya, menghasilkan data yang sangat transparan, akurat, dan lebih dapat diandalkan dalam waktu yang cepat dengan jumlah sampel tes yang minimal.

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Produk data dan gambar BactFast by Credence Genomics

BactFast is capable of identifying and profiling the complete spectrum of known organisms in a single run and it requires only 48 hours of turnaround time. Additionally, the technique unveils the phylogenetic relationships of the detected organisms, providing you with enhanced analytical data.

The test represents the fraction of each species of identified microorganisms in relation to the total microorganisms in the sample, addressing your customized research requirements. This exclusive feature was always beyond the boundaries with conventional techniques.

Another exclusive facility provided by BactFast: comparative measurements of microbial abundances under specific environmental and therapeutic conditions. This delivers accurate aspects to determine the efficacy of medical treatments, as patient samples can be checked before and after treatment.

Spesifikasi BactFast by Credence Genomics
Feature Conventional Technologies BactFast
Turnaround time 7 – 10 days 48 hours
Accuracy level ~ 80 % 99.0 %
Accuracy of test Operator-dependent; Non specific error prone results Operator-independent;Highly accurate; Entirely reliable results
Throughput Limited Increased
Sensitivity Varied High
Contamination risk Hindered by non-culturable organisms Culture independent
Organisms per test One organism per test; Important organisms can be missed Entire spectrum of known bacteria; Entire population can be tested
Types of microbes detected Limited to pathogens

All known organisms; Capable of advanced analysis (relative abundance, comparative abundance)

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