Simplify laboratory management
in a unified system.
Streamline lab operations by conducting inventory, instrument
management, sample handling, analysis, and internal audits within
a single system.


Lab Inventory & Instrument Management
- Consumables Management.
Equipment Management
(Automatic scheduling of calibration, maintenance & calibration certificates).

Sample Management
- Sample Reception
- Sample Storage
- Sample Use
- Sample Transfer
- Sample Destroy

Lab Analysis
- HR + Analysis Job Assigment
- Pengujian sample, approval hingga reporting hasil pengujian sample

Internal Audit
- Customer satisfaction & evaluation
- Internal Audit Program, Summary and Verification
- Management Review Program, Summary and Verification
- Applicable if Module 1, 2, and 3 are available

- Lab Inventory & Instrument Management Module
- Sample Management Module
- Lab Analysis Module

+ Instrument reading and result management inside the application
Internal Audit ModuleTRY GENLIMS NOW
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